About Us

Martin & Rose

Martin Dwyer's passion is for nature and wildlife, his occupation is website development. Over the years, the digital photography from his nature adventures provides great content for website development. This site is both an example of Martin's development work and a look inside his nature adventures with his business partner and wife, Rose.

This website shares stories and pictures from their wildlife adventures targeted at capturing digital images of wild things in nature.. Together, they have visited some of the most exciting nature spots in North America.

For more information about Martin, Rose, or any place they have visited, please contact them at the contact page on this website.

If you are interested in more information about website development or web applications, please visit MD Bytes and contact Martin.

From State Forest State Park

Lake Agnes, Colorado, Elevation 10,666 feet

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From Grand Teton National Park

Jenny Lake Trail Head, Wyoming


Alpine Ridge Trail

Rocky Mountain National Park

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Yellowstone National Park

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